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La Marina

Do tell us more. Sounds exciting.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-10-16 15:23:12 UTC

it was quite frightening actually Ian. I had an altercation with two men, whose nationality I need not mention, when I refused to be bullied by them to let them have goods cheaper than the marked price in the Charity Shop. I know it is their culture to barter but I am running a charity for dogs not for them. Over the 15 years I managed a Victoria Wine Shop, and had to contend sometimes with drunks, I have never felt so intimidated. But I would not give in to them because If I had, I might as well pack the job in, and If I want to stop working, it will not be because of them, but, because I want to. Also by letting them know I am on their case it may deter them from treating the other volunteers in the same way and then I may lose some of them. I must say that all of the ladies stand up to them, but giving the way they were shouting, I would not blame any of them if they gave in to get rid of them. Did not see either of them today.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-10-16 16:06:58 UTC

When I sold cars in the UK they were the hardest to deal with, along with the Pakies and Pikies but you could have a deal with them unlike the natives (Brits) who would barter for ages then need to think about it some I am still waiting for 38 years later!! !

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-10-16 16:42:05 UTC

glad you're OK Eve. It must have still given you a shock. That remark about pepper spray needs investigating. Keep up the good work, what you do is remarkable. x

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-10-16 17:28:43 UTC

stunned that 2nd Casa has made a racist remark on the site. Thinking it is one thing, verbalising it is something else entirely...do be careful

Commented deephen375 in Quesada 2012-10-16 20:22:35 UTC

To be honest I have to dis agree with you. It's not racist it's just a use of word. You go back to the 80s 90s and watch only fools and horses and it was rife with that kind of talk. It only becomes a racist remark when used for a racist taunt.
I have many friends that call each other the N word but the N word is defined as ignorant. Not as a racist taunt.
There's racially abusing some one and then use a word to phrase a comment.
My generation are use to language like that and accept is as long as its not being used as a racial taunt.
The world is changing, language is changing all the time. The way people use words, txt and talk is changing. So there's no point in trying to stick with the past...

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-10-16 20:45:36 UTC

Yes I agree the world is changing, but not all for the best, but, I am not racist. In my family, my niece is married to a Libyan and my step-daughter is married to an Indian. They are both well educated gentlemen and I mean gentlemen. They do not treat women like dirt under there feet. My husband treats me and other ladies with respect and I will not take that sort of treatment from any other man. I don't class myself as a second-class citizen just because I happen to have been born a female. Culture or no culture they have to accept that they should treat people with respect if they want respect shown to them. I have several of them coming in the shop on a daily basis and you can actually have a joke with them, even if thy are trying to barter. I do not have a problem with that. But, if someone tries to bully me, then, that is like a red rag to a bull.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-10-17 06:32:47 UTC

Yup that's right. All I can say to that is the morrcoans / Muslim have a different culture to us.. There not use to woman answering them back let alone even speaking to them. So yup keep talking back and doing what your doing and enjoy your day off

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-10-17 06:37:27 UTC

Well said Eve.xx Chris

Commented christine robinson in La Marina 2012-10-17 06:40:34 UTC

stunned that 2nd Casa has made a racist remark on the site. Thinking it is one thing, verbalising it is something else entirely...do be careful

I am stunned, if you read my posting again you will see that it is just another old term of describing them and there ways NOT insulting/racially abusing if anything it points out that the Brits are the ones the post remarks on in a bad light.
PS you should hear the other terms of endearment we in the motor trade used you would be shouting call the pc police etc

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-10-17 10:57:11 UTC

I am not being racially abusive to anyone. But, my argument is, if I go in any shop and I don't like the price they are charging, then I don't buy the goods. I do not think that they would expect any of the local Supermarkets to give them cheaper prices so, why do they expect us to. I do not get paid for what I do so I am dammed if I am going to let them dictate to me what I am going to ask them to pay for goods. Not only that, people donate their goods to us and some of them can be highly valuable, so why should I insult them by selling these goods for peanuts.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-10-17 12:48:16 UTC

Sorry but that remark is totally out of order, and so politically incorrect. We all have our views but please dont be so callous as to air them in public let alone in writing. I am not a prude AT ALL - but we need to respect other people cultures and not be rude..

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2012-10-17 18:12:31 UTC

Its a good job you werent in employment in the same job as me in the UK youd have been out of work -

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2012-10-17 18:13:55 UTC

Souxie to whom are your last two lots of remarks referring to. Myself or 2nd Casa? as i am totally confused.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-10-17 20:04:25 UTC

No it wasnt you eve - it was 2nd Casa - sorry if it appeared that way xx

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2012-10-17 20:31:02 UTC

I was outside the new Emaus charity shop yesterday when I heard a lot of shouting. On my way into the shop I heard threats of someone about to be hit. Two men did not want to pay 2E for a pair of shoes but did not want to leave without them. The atmosphere was quite threatening. Some of these shops do displays signs saying no bartering allowed. These ladies should not feel threatened in the workplace and it's not pleaseant for the customers to experience this either. Something should be done to stop all this. Any suggestions. By the way, keep up the good work Emaus and also Eve and your team at Sats. I'm saddened that you have been treated like this.

Commented cagneys in La Marina 2012-10-18 09:13:27 UTC

I hope someone has alerted the Police to this behaviour - someone mentioned pepper spray earlier - probably not a good idea, but hair spray is a good deterrent....always got one in the side pocket of my car -

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2012-10-18 11:25:54 UTC

Thanks for your support katie. The sad thing is that if it happens on a regular basis then some of my ladies may feel threatened and pack the job in. I have had words with some of my regular customers of the same culture and they are not in agreement with the way these two behaved. I have said as long as they respect the ladies they are welcome but if not, stay away. Three of them came in today and after our little chat they shook hands with me. I want to be on good terms with everybody but, its not always possible. We can only do our best. I have got the number in my phone directly to the Police patrol car but I would rather settle this amicably than go down that road.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-10-18 14:02:21 UTC

Sorry but that remark is totally out of order, and so politically incorrect. We all have our views but please dont be so callous as to air them in public let alone in writing. I am not a prude AT ALL - but we need to respect other people cultures and not be rude..

Maybe if I referred to them by the there full names and not an abbreviation/slang it would be alright then? have you along with most other people not used the full/correct word at some time? just one example I dont like the use of the word gay (its been hijacked from its proper meaning of happy) to describe irons,gingers,poofs etc why not refer to them as homosexuals there again we cant all use the full queens English all of the time can we

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-10-18 16:48:29 UTC

Its a good job you werent in employment in the same job as me in the UK youd have been out of work -

Depends on what your occupation is. and if I broke any employment laws not non pc correct compliance rules
ps good job I worked for myself at times I have had the sacking oh and the boll**ings you would not believe

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-10-18 16:56:17 UTC

2nd Casa - your final paragraph about homosexuals and the reference to we can't all use the full "queens" English I found amusing. I take it you have a wicked sense of humour!!?

Commented Salty Dog in La Marina 2012-10-18 17:38:50 UTC

I think this subject has gone way off course. It just seems to me that some people just take any excuse to have a pop at one another. This subject is very serious and could have serious repercussions if the problem is not" cut in the bud ". We know these are desperate times for some people but we are not responsible for others problems.
If people donate goods to certain charity shops then it is because they want the the people or animals, whichever the case maybe, to benefit from this. It is not up to us, the people who run these charity shops, to give these goods away for nothing. If I am politically incorrect in what I say, then so be it. The truth often hurts.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-10-18 17:39:10 UTC

It is frightening to learn of some of the problems that you have to put up with. Even when things are hard people can't expect to have something for nothing - items are cheap enough as it is. If the charity shops, like yours, were not around people wouldn't be able to go into ordinary retail shops and barter/intimidate.
Anyone who gives up their time, for free, just to make life better for others deserves respect. Carry on with the good work!

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2012-10-18 18:54:34 UTC